Monday, August 27, 2012


I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?

I prefer to end on a positive note so we’ll start with the BAD.

Friday night I met some girlfriends out for dinner. I knew it wasn’t the best idea the night before a long run but the dinner was for K, one of my best college girlfriends, so I couldn’t miss it. I scoped out the menu before to pick a suitable meal, swore off spirits, and thanks to a semi early reservation knew that I could be in bed by 10pm. I even set out all of my long run necessities before leaving my apartment for dinner. My plan was to come home and go right to bed to be ready for my 7am training run with TFK Saturday morning. Great plan! What could possibly go wrong? 

Saturday morning's essentials
After the waitress brought out our appetizers I started to feel hot. The others at the table said it was a little warm but were not sweating like me. I’m going to spare you the details of the next 4 hours but long story short, I spent the rest of my Friday night with FOOD POISONING.

Food poisoning on a weekend? The night before a long run? While out to dinner with girlfriends? You've got to be kidding me!

Physically, I was in pretty bad shape. Emotionally, I was a mess as well.

My whole weekend was centered around this long run and I really just wanted to get it over with. This was NOT how I planned everything!

Saturday morning I woke up feeling much better and seriously contemplated heading uptown to join the team. I thought my stomach was back to normal but after realizing that I might be slightly dehydrated from the night before, I opted for coffee and morning reading (Runner’s World) on my balcony instead.

An article on starting your own running blog?!?!? Great idea Runners World!

By 9am I was a little stir crazy so I spent the rest of my morning cleaning out closets, reorganizing everything, and redoing my weekend schedule. Mid-day I needed some fresh air so I joined A on a trip to the Brooklyn Flea Market where I felt like I was living in an episode of “Girls”. Except that we got lost in Brooklyn and were wearing Nike running shorts. Anyways, you know what I mean.  

Once I got home that afternoon I started to feel sick again. I was exhausted and slept for the rest of the evening. I finally woke up around 8, ordered food, and put myself to bed again. NOTHING was going to stand between me and 17 miles on Sunday morning. Literally, NOTHING!

Sunday morning I woke up feeling back to normal. My long run necessities were still sitting out so I was ready to go. My plan was to run up to Central Park, do a loop, and then take the West Side Highway down until the Garmin signaled freedom at mile 17. I would find my way home from there and I brought my MetroCard because walking was not an option.

The GOOD news is coming, I promise…

Miles 1-6: Felt great! The park was packed with cyclists and fellow marathoners in training. I loved my Rihanna playlist, inspired by the Oprah special that I watched the night before. Running was awesome.

7-8.5: Just kidding. My stomach did not feel TOTALLY back to normal like I thought. I was bored. I felt fatigued. I needed a new playlist. I was bored. How was I really going to do another 10 miles of this? Oh yeah and I was bored.


As I was running on the Bridle Path I saw a Mother and Daughter walking my way. They looked very sweet and were out for a Sunday morning stroll in Central Park. Most of the people were running along the Reservoir or Main Drive so the Bridle Path was empty except for us.
Immediately, I recognized them. It was Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise.

Many of you don’t think this is a big deal. BUT there are some of you that are going to appreciate the AWESOMEness of this sighting! The girls were dressed in their relaxed Sunday attire as Suri carried a stuffed animal under her pink sweater. I tried not to stare as I ran past Manhattan’s most talked about duo. Needless to say, my mood changed.

Once I was beyond earshot of them I got out my phone to call home. I knew that my mom and sister would share in my excitement. Both gave me the expected reaction and got me to mile 9. After chatting with them, I fumbled for my phone again and almost completely wiped out. I recovered and texted any and all people that I knew would provide the same reaction. My phone rang off the hook and blew up with text messages. This was a lot of excitement for a Sunday at 10am.
Instead of leaving the park I decided to do another loop of the Bridle Path to perhaps see my girls again. At this point I was at mile 11 and naturally thought we were all best friends. I stayed in the park for the remainder of the run only to leave around mile 15 and finish up the last two miles running home. Luckily I ended right outside CVS where I darted in for Gatorade and water.

This was the BEST Sunday ever! Thanks food poisoning!

Not only did I complete the dreaded 17 mile training run but I made two friends along the way! Okay, I MIGHT be exaggerating but seeing the two of them really put the pep in my step that I desperately needed.

I thought about this 17 mile run all week. I was genuinely nervous even though I had completed 15 miles just two weeks before. Those extra two miles really frightened me. After the run, I felt fantastic emotionally and not too shabby physically either.  I just have to do another 9 miles on November 4th. I think I can do it.  

I’m making jokes about it now but Friday night’s food poisoning was really upsetting. Not only did I ruin dinner with my sprints to the bathroom but I was really looking forward to finally a chance to run with TFK on Saturday morning. I’ve tried to take part in a team run for two weeks now. I wanted to take advantage of being in NYC for a Saturday which we all know does not happen often. Both weekends, factors outside of my control altered these plans. Thank God for Katie & Suri or my spirits would likely still be down in the dumps.  

I spent the rest of my Suri Sunday shopping in Flatiron and enjoying a treat from Sixteen Handles with M. We both wanted to take advantage of the beautiful weather as I was still riding on an endorphin and celeb sighting high.

Seriously. Thank god for food poisoning!

In the end, I ran all of my miles this week! I hit a little bit of a mental block mid-week on Thursday morning but thanks to a sweat sister, M, I was able to pull right through. She left me on Friday for Ireland for the week so I will be running solo in the city until I leave Wednesday night.


Sunday (flex)
TOTAL (w flex)
TFK Plan
30 min yoga

This week I’m traveling once again. I can’t complain because I leave Wednesday night for a family vacation at home in Florida. I’m spending the Labor Day holiday at the beach with some of my California cousins for the second year in a row. Luckily, Hurricane Isaac will be out of town and not affecting my weekly miles. Dad is looking forward to running with me Thursday morning and I am trying to convince G to lace up her sneakers while we are at the beach. Let’s see!


Sunday (flex)
TOTAL (w flex)
TFK Plan
LA Plan
Rest/ Strength

How is fundraising going? I am so happy to report that fundraising is going VERY well.

Recently, I felt pleasantly overwhelmed by all of your generosity. As mentioned, I hit a mental block with my running this week and physically am feeling the pains of marathon training. I say this as I do stretches under my desk to hopefully fight off a case of plantar fasciitis.

Thanks to an amazing group of family and friends, I have raised $1759.20 so far! THAT IS A LOT OF MONEY! I am so close to my fundraising goal that I can feel it. Plus, I haven’t donated yet and plan on making a donation so big that the dollar signs will be blinding. Kidding?

Honestly, I want to say THANK YOU. Thank you to everyone that has donated. Thank you to everyone that has sent emails of encouragement. Thank you to everyone that has asked how I am feeling. Your positive energy has kicked any negative energy that I might feel right out the door.

The race is just 68 days away and don’t worry, there are still 39 days left to DONATE!

Lots of love and laughs.


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