Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Life is made up of a series of experiences.

Some are good. Some are bad. Some you forget. Some stay with you forever.

I started this blog to share my experience as a marathon runner in the making.  

Running found its way into all aspects of my life – travel, family, work, and friends.

I haven’t always loved running but I have always loved everything and anything pop culture & entertainment.

During the late 90s I truly believed that I was the next Britney Spears. I even asked for a karaoke machine for Christmas in 1999 to “master my craft”. After playing my personal recording of Whitney Houston’s “Star Spangled Banner” and watching the uproarious reactions of my two best friends, I quickly learned that I needed to find a new career path.

No problem. I always had a flair for drama so the stage and screen would be the perfect place for me. I obsessed over becoming the next Julia Roberts and might have even performed my future Oscar acceptance speech in front of my bedroom mirror.

Then I grew up, went to college, and found my true life path… one based in reality.

Fast forward to 2013. I still love everything and anything pop culture & entertainment. I can rattle off the latest TMZ headlines and IMDB bios quicker than most around me. Many of my friends work in finance, public relations, or other areas of the corporate world. As many of you know, I work where my heart belongs- in the world of entertainment.

I’m not going to bore you with any more personal details but simply cut to the point, because it’s a pretty good one.

Last October my name was chosen at random during an annual channel meeting to win a walk on role in a TV Land original program. This past weekend I claimed my prize and traveled to Los Angeles to appear in the background of a scene of “Hot in Cleveland” starring Wendy Malick, Valerie Bertinelli, Jane Leeves, and BETTY WHITE. No, I did not stutter. Betty. Mother. F’ing. White.

Stage 19. Here goes nothing...
I didn’t know much about my trip or “prize” before actually landing in LA last weekend. I knew the sitcom and my tape date but that was about it. While out on a run in the Hollywood Hills on Thursday afternoon I got a call from one of the producers on the show to explain the events of my big debut. I should have known that I would get the info I was dying for while out on a run.  

I stopped dead in my tracks, took in all of the information, and stood still in shock. It was one of those moments when you feel like the world is spinning and you are right at the center. It was incredibly exciting yet strangely frightening at the same time.

There was a time (mentioned above) when a chance to appear on TV would have been my absolute dream come true. At the “mature” age of 26 the experience that I take from this is far bigger and deeper than what the 13 year old in me would have expected.

I arrived on set Friday to catch Betty and one of the guest stars for the week Carol Burnett (I KNOW, IT JUST GETS BETTER) mid-rehearsal. Both ladies were in their casual everyday clothes and tweaking the scene to their liking. Watching them in action was surreal and perhaps even career fulfilling. I was in the presence of two actors that changed television and forever influenced women in all areas of entertainment. It was humbling to sit in their presence and watch them perform. Their craft has been respected for decades with awards, accolades, and admiration- I got to see it firsthand.  

Betty, Carol, and the rest of the women were just as amazing as you would imagine. Carol has impeccable comedic timing and Betty is as sharp as a whip at the golden age of 91. I was in the presence of legends.

The pictures below will speak for themselves and share the rest of my story.

That's a wrap!
Life is made up of a series of experiences. Remember how I said some you forget? Yeah, I’m pretty sure I can rule that out for this one.

A Saturday morning hike to the Hollywood sign made my trip complete.

What's new with my running? Who cares! Let's chat about that next time.

Lot of love and laughs.


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