Monday, September 24, 2012


I am too blessed to be stressed.

Work was crazy for the first half of last week. Back and forth emails until 10pm and an outrageous to-do list weighed on my mind. Plus, it was a high mileage week which added some training stress as well.

After missing my morning run on Wednesday I passed on TFK practice after work for some alone time. I left my blackberry at home and hoped to run away the stress kinks in my shoulders. I ran up to Central Park (my happy place) for some fresh air.

Thursday night I met up with K, a college friend spending the month in NYC. We shared weekend plans while catching up at dinner and she told me she was going to the Bruce Springsteen concert the next night. How cool?!?!? I’ve always wanted to see him in concert but never get my act together to buy tickets.

Lying in bed that night I got a phone call from K. They had an extra ticket for tomorrow and she wanted to know if I was interested. Interested???? I didn’t care what plans I had, they would move for The Boss. I tried to fall asleep that night but kept hearing “Born to Run” in my head amidst this insane surge of excitement. I WAS GOING TO SEE BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN IN CONCERT! Wow, my Friday night certainly took a turn for awesome.

I don’t even remember work on Friday. I was blinded by the light of my post work plans so I plowed through. K and I rushed to get on the train to Jersey to join her family for the Bruce festivities. The train was a cultural experience filled with Springsteen fans of all walks of life. Once at the Meadowlands we tailgated with our crew before heading inside. I was really going to a Bruce concert! Glory days!

Opening act? No way, Bruce doesn’t need that.

How was the concert? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!? It was out of this world.

The Boss.
We danced and sang for over three hours as Bruce entertained his hometown crowd. I felt incredibly blessed to be in that moment.  I thought Justin Timberlake put on a good show but Bruce was on another level.  
Merry BRUCEmas!
I got home after 1am and slept for a few hours before waking up to jump on my early morning bus to Philly. The 7am bus seemed like a good idea when my Friday night plans consisted of takeout and housewives reruns. Dad met me at the train station with coffee and took me back to Nana’s to get ready.

Saturday was a much needed running rest day. I made the day trip to Philly to watch the home opening game of my brother’s last football season. I might be marathon training but I am NOT missing a home game, tailgate, or a chance to wear this pin while being an overly supportive sister. Family first, always.

Player pin. Pageant hair. Phootball.

Pre and post-game tailgating along with the rest of the day's activities might not have been the best idea for the day before a long run but quite frankly I didn’t care. I would do my best and I could handle it. I passed on any and all beverages that were not water and carb loaded with a soft pretzel and a cake pop. Don’t judge.

The post-game tailgate was cut short thanks to rain which was a sign that I should take my 9pm bus home that night instead of blowing it off for a later Amtrak. I DID have a 20 mile run the next morning even though I was trying my best to forget about it.

I arrived home Saturday night and went right to bed. I was NOT thrilled about waking up Sunday morning but hoped the enthusiasm would kick in once race morning arrived.

My alarm went off as expected at 5am on Sunday. I snoozed for a half hour (oops) and then dragged myself out of bed to start up the Keurig. From the moment I got out of bed I lamented this race. I really wasn’t in the mood but thought I would feel better once I got there. Plus, this race was part of the NYRR 9+1 program so I didn’t want to waste the entry fee or miss a chance to get some marathon cred.

I simply wasn’t in the mood to “race.” The past two weekends had fabulous running events where I pushed myself to the brink and set PRs. That was fun. A third weekend wouldn’t be a charm.

I told myself to just get out there and not worry about my time. Yeah, okay…

To add to the blah party, I was beyond exhausted. This whirlwind weekend had been amazing start to finish but I did travel to NJ, Philly and back to NY in simply 36 hours. If you’re wondering, that takes a lot out of a girl.

I made my coffee but poured too much out. Fail.

I neglected to buy fuel for the long run so I grabbed an old fig newton and shotblok sleeve with 2 left over. Fail.

I didn’t lay out my clothes the night before and couldn’t decide how to dress for 58 degree running weather. Fail.

The start was at 102nd St so I had to take a cab ($$$) since I didn’t get up early enough for the subway. Fail.

I didn’t pick up my bib beforehand but planned to grab it at the race. This time bib pick up was at the NYRR offices 10 blocks away, not at the starting line.  Fail.

I knew that I could overcome all of my Sunday morning “fails” thus far. I didn’t want to quit this race just because something stupid got in the way. As I was leaving the course to grab my bib I noticed this…
One thing is not like the other...
I was wearing two completely different sneakers. One was my running sneaker while the other was a 3 year old Nike. The greatest FAIL of all FAILS.

As I was leaving the park I called M in a panic. I stressed about getting to NYRR and back in time to warm up that I didn’t fully comprehend my shoe situation. I told her the saga as she was getting out of the cab to join me at the race. Like a good TFK training partner she made a brilliant observation that my sleep deprived marathon brain missed.  

“LA, wearing two different sneakers worries me…”

And then the light bulb went off. I was looking for a reason to blow off this race and there it was, ON MY FEET!

I realized immediately that running 20 miles in improper footwear was not a good idea. Plus, the foot with the vintage Nike was also the foot that I self-diagnosed with plantar fasciitis this week. 20 miles was my longest training run thus far and at this point in the schedule I didn’t need any stupid hiccups to send me injured to the sidelines. I worked way too hard to get here and Nike Shox were not going to set me back.

How did this shoe fiasco happen? I am not a complete moron I swear there is a story.

After my first attempt to leave the apartment I went back inside to change. It was way too cold for my running shorts so I ran back upstairs to throw on capris. In the midst of changing in the dark room and simply sliding on and off the sneakers apparently I slid on the Nike Shox before leaving for real. I wish you saw my face when I looked down to notice my feet at 6:30am. I honestly didn’t believe it.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Thank you M for the level headed thinking!!!  I left the Park feeling slightly relieved. Once home, I threw on my sweats and made coffee (round 2). I bopped around my apartment for an hour or two until I was ready to get out the door. 20 miles were looming and still really scared me. I know I just did 19 but 20 sounded so much more serious. I was looking for a final push to put some pep in my step and get me out the door. So I decided to throw on this…

So bright! So beautiful!
My TFK marathon experts told me to wear my race outfit at least once before the big day. This was absolutely out of character for me. I am incredibly superstitious and initially didn’t want to wear the TFK jersey before November 4th. However, it was pretty fun to put it on and go run. Between my golden jersey and new Bruce playlist, I was ready to go.

I ran the full 20 miles all by myself. I actually enjoyed the solitude and peace. After a stressful week and whirlwind weekend, I needed some alone time.

I didn’t care about my pace, I just ran.

I wasn’t eager to finish and can honestly say that I enjoyed the ride.

I listened to my new Bruce playlist as I cruised down to the South Street Seaport along the East River. I turned around and then ran through the city streets up to Central Park where I took on the Harlem Hill. I did a full loop while adding in some Bridle Path action and even a trip around the Reservoir. With two miles left, I ditched the Park to head home. I couldn’t believe how much I was enjoying this.

Physically, I felt pretty good too.

Is running 20 miles actually fun? Yeah, I guess so.

My week started off very stressed, but I ended it feeling insanely blessed. I had one of the best weekends ever and could not believe all of the awesome events that just took place.

I went to my first Bruce Spring concert with K and her amazing family.

I spent the day cheering on my brother with my dad and other Philly football favorites.

I ran 20 fantastic miles and I enjoyed every step. Okay, maybe not every step but definitely 90%.

How did I get so lucky for a weekend like this? See you never Monday blues!  

I’m excited to kick off this new week. I will be in NYC and can’t wait to take on the training. My bag is packed for TFK practice tonight and I might even join them for my long run on Saturday. I only have 13 miles on the plan. Yes, I did just say “only.”

I even feel pretty good physically today. I was in much more pain the last two Mondays when I really pushed myself the days before. I know that I pushed myself yesterday but maybe my muscles are still feeling yesterday’s endorphins? Is that even possible?


Sunday (flex)
TFK Plan
LA  Plan
REST / 30 min yoga


Sunday (flex)
TOTAL (w flex)
TFK Plan
LA  Plan

I don’t want to jinx it but I might try to hit my flex miles this week… if my body can handle it.

I’m going to the doctor on Friday morning to get my self-diagnosed plantar fasciitis checked out by a medical professional instead of WebMD. Fingers crossed!

Oh yeah there’s one other detail of this marathon preparation… FUNDRAISING!

The deadline is next Friday so if you are looking for a chance to donate, here you go!

Lots of love and laughs.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I rocked. I rolled. I set a new PR.

For the second year in a row, I signed up to run the Rock 'N' Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon with S and K, two of my favorite college girlfriends who have become part of my fabulous group of sweat sisters. We ran it last year and signed up months ago when the site offered a 2012 discount. This race worked out perfectly for my marathon training schedule as it wiped out my miles for the weekend and gave me an opportunity to test my fitness. Plus, we’re always looking for a reason to visit S in Philly!

K and I traveled to Philly bright and early Saturday morning. Special thanks to K’s mom who called and woke her up at 7:45 for our 8:15am bus. Meanwhile, I had been up since 6am.  I don’t pick my best friends based on their internal clocks.

We arrived on time and headed right to the expo to grab our gear. After numbers were retrieved and shirts were snagged, we headed to lunch to begin the weekend. I hadn’t seen S in WAY too long so we had a lot of gossip to cover. My sorority little A came to meet us as well for our 2 hour plus lunch. Like I said, we had a LOT to catch up on.

We shopped around town and then headed to S’s condo to rest before dinner. Dinner was delicious and I learned a valuable lesson about BYOB restaurants the night before a race.  Just because you bring a bottle doesn’t mean you need to finish it. I wasn’t solo in this antioxidant adventure, but a major player for sure.

We set our Sunday morning alarms for 6:30am which is late for a race morning wake up. I guzzled water and ate a Cliff Bar, my new breakfast of choice before a long run. S’s condo was just blocks away from the start so we shook out our legs on a nice stroll there.

Well hello early morning pre-race glamour shots!

I skipped the porta potty area due to long lines and thinking any uncomfortable feelings were just “race day jitters.”

I jumped into my corral to stretch while cuing up “Crazy Train.” This Ozzy Osborne hit is how I begin every race. I know this might come as a surprise to many but instead of Britney, Ozzy gets me in the zone and ready to run.

Rock Me Philly.
The race started and I set off.

I set a PR in Philly last year and knowing the elevations of the course, I thought I had a chance of beating it. However, I knew that I was not in the same shape that I was when I set my most recent half marathon PR at the NYC Half in March. I haven’t been doing strength training or yoga even though I put it on my schedule every week. If I didn’t set a PR, I wanted this race to show my fitness level and highlight the areas of my training where I’m slacking.

Miles 1-3: I wasn’t feeling fresh or like a spring chicken. The feelings of discomfort weren’t just race jitters. I never stop in races but this time was different, I was not going to make it to the finish line. I found a bathroom right after mile 3 and forced myself to stop.

Mile 3-5: After the quickest bathroom stop in race history, I felt better but debated abandoning my hopes of setting a new half marathon PR. I thought about stopping and waiting for K & S to come through. I could just jump back in with them and enjoy the rest of the race. My body hadn’t clicked into “cruise control” which was beyond frustrating.  

Mile 5: … and then I started cruising! It was too late to wait for the girls so I shifted my focus back to this race. Could I set a PR? I didn’t know but I was sure going to try.

Miles 6-12: The miles were flying by. The course was flat and I was running relatively pain free. I also had an exciting new playlist to help pass the time. The new tunes in combination with running alongside an Elvis costumed runner kept me moving with negative splits on the horizon.

Mile 12-13: …and then the pain kicked in full force. What had I done? Could I really maintain the sub 8 pace? For the last mile, the course took a dramatic turn uphill. This was a sick joke and I was not entertained. I knew that I was minutes away from a PR so I told myself to push it.  I actually said this to myself out loud. Luckily most runners wear headphones so I don’t think they heard me?

Mile 13- 13.1: I seriously don’t understand why half marathons have a .1 at the end.  

I crossed the finish line at the official time of 1:48:19. New PR set. Mission Accomplished.

Negative Splits? I'll take it!

My finish time was a great improvement from last year’s race (1:53:53) and even faster than my NYC Half PR from last March (1:49:02). Plus! This was a new PR that included a bathroom stop. Maybe I could have broken 1:48? Who knows but I couldn’t play that mental game.

I might have pushed myself a little too hard during this race. When I crossed the finish line, my vision was blurry and I darted to the nearest trash can. I didn’t actually get sick but I also didn’t feel like a million bucks.

Towards the end of the race I remember thinking that I didn’t want to leave anything on the course and I am happy to report that I didn’t. I pushed myself to the breaking point and in the midst, set a new PR. Can you tell I am slightly competitive?

Do we REALLY have to go back to NYC?
As I enter the home stretch of my marathon training, running has gotten a little bit monotonous. The weekday TFK practices and weekend races have provided a much needed breathe of fresh air for my marathon training.  

Oh yeah… about that MARATHON that I'm training for.

There are 202 training miles and 46 days until I toe the starting line on November 4th. Can you believe it?

This weekend I will do my longest run thus far hitting the magic mileage number of 20. On Sunday, I am participating in the NYC Marathon Tune-Up in Central Park. Three loops of the Park sounds a little painful right now so I am just not going to think about it.

Before Sunday's long run, I am taking a day trip back to Philly on Saturday to cheer on my brother in his home opener game against Villanova. Dad and I will hide our Wildcat pride for the day and become Quakers? Or will we?


Sunday (flex)
TOTAL (w flex)
TFK Plan
REST/ Massage
(Philly Half)


Sunday (flex)
TOTAL (w flex)
TFK Plan
LA  Plan

My first 40+ mile week EVER?!?!? Here we go!

With the marathon quickly approaching, so is my Team for Kids fundraising deadline. Thank you so much to everyone that has supported me in my fundraising efforts so far!

All funds raised through Team for Kids benefit New York Road Runner’s youth services. Through the primary youth services vehicles —Young Runners and Mighty Milers — they establish running-based programs that promote children’s physical fitness, character development, and personal achievement in underserved communities in New York City, throughout the United States, and in Africa. These programs are provided free of charge to communities in which 50%+ of children qualify for free or reduced price lunch, a common indicator of economic need. In addition to the obvious health and wellness benefits, these programs also teach valuable lessons in teamwork and goal setting.

Specifically, the funds raised by Team for Kids members help provide:
·         Training for teachers, coaches, field managers, and coordinators. Most of these individuals volunteer their time to NYRR youth services.
·          Incentives for children to encourage them to attend events and practices, demonstrate sportsmanship, and strive for fitness and personal milestones.
·         Entry fees and transportation to races and related sporting events for the kids.
·         Needed resources to establish programs in areas of greatest need.

You can make an easy and secure online donation here: LA’s Team for Kids Homepage

The race is November 4th, but you still have until October 5th to DONATE! All contributions are tax-deductible and you will receive an acknowledgment e-mail from NYRR.

Thank you again for your generosity and overwhelming support.

Lots of love and laughs!
