Saturday, November 17, 2012


It's here. This is really happening.

Am I nervous? Luckily I've been too busy at work this week to even think about anything crazy like RUNNING A MARATHON.

The work week is over and marathon weekend is here. In preparation for tomorrow's race, I listed out 26.2 dedications. Don't give me all the credit, I got the idea from one of my favorite running blogs.

Here we go...

1. PHILLY- This city holds a special place in my heart.  Aside from it being the home of my family roots and college memories, it’s where I ran my first race in 2010. I signed up for the Broad Street Run without any prior running experience. I am beyond excited and inspired to run on Sunday where it all began. Thank you Philly for taking me in and giving me another chance to run my first marathon in 2012.


2. HEALTH- Many people train for a marathon and never get to the starting line. I am incredibly thankful that I am physically able to line up on race day and take on the 26.2 miles. I have been given a lot in this life but I know that my health is by far the greatest gift of all.

3. TEAM FOR KIDS- The coaches, teammates, and mentors made this experience one that I will never forget. You pushed me to my physical limit and fully prepared me for BOTH race days. I hope to remain a member of your organization next year and for many more to come.

4. KATE K- Stay strong sister, I love you.

Kate xoxo

5. HURRICANE SANDY VICTIMS- I lost power and a marathon but so many of you lost so much more. I can’t be out there on Sunday to volunteer but you’re all in my thoughts and this one’s for you.

6. NYC - Thank you for welcoming me in July 2011 with open arms. I heard you put on one hell of a marathon and I hope to finally run it next year.

7. MY MTV CREW- You’re more than my co-workers, you are my friends and family. Thank you for making me laugh Monday through Friday and giving me a reason to look forward to going to work (almost) every day. You guys were there the moment I signed up for this crazy race and put a smile back on my face November 5th. You’ve caught me stretching at my desk and laughed at my frozen water bottle. Thank you for all of the hugs this week and endless amounts of encouragement. You’re an incredibly supportive group both inside and outside of the office. I adore you all as co-workers and cherish you all even more as friends.

8 & 9. AL & KEL- Minutes after hearing the news of my race entry, you both picked out trains and planned a weekend trip to Philly. I said that you guys didn’t have to come but you weren’t taking that as an answer. Thank you for your endless support from moment I signed up through the cancellation and finally our grand finale trip to Philly. I can’t express how much it means to me knowing that you two will be standing on the sidelines Sunday. Thank you more than anything for being out of this world friends.

Wait! We can take this picture after all...

10. FAMILY AND FRIENDS- Aunts, uncles, Tampa friends, and "family". I can't even begin to name every person that I want to thank from the last 6 months. I think that I can run 26.2 miles on Sunday purely because I have the outstanding amount of support from all of you.

11. NOVA GIRLS - Kate, Kelly, Nicole, Lauren… You’re more than my friends, you’re like my sisters.

Love you! xoxo

12. MEGHAN M - Thank you for being a devoted training partner and dedicated friend. You ran more miles with me during this tedious training schedule than I can even count. Your support didn’t stop with the miles you shared with me but the bed you offered me during my powerless SANDYcation. Thank you for being an amazing friend and outstanding running partner.

13. JEFF & CHRIS - My mom’s two brothers that passed of aids when I was a child. Your spirit lives through our family and with me on race day.  

14. BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS - Mom, Gram, Aunt Anne, Aunt Sue, and Aunt Sharon ... Women of strength who fought and won.

15. THE KIDS- The real reason behind my training. Go outside. Play sports. Keep running.

16. TRAINING PARTNERS - Gwen, Mike, Morgan, Meghan, Sara, Genna, Patty, Dad, and probably a few others that I forgot… Thank you for putting on your sneakers and letting me drag you out to run. The company you provided made the time fly and the miles less painful. I owe you and will be there with my sneakers on whenever you need the same.

17. SWEAT SISTERS - I’ve had the pleasure of participating in various races with some phenomenal ladies. You’re my sweat sisters and dearest friends. I’m flying solo on November 18th but know that you will all be with me.  Kel, Al, Sara, and Nic- I’m leaving the tutu at home for this race but will be thinking about all of you.

Disney Princess Half 2011

18. TFK DONORS- You all endured my endless emails of begging. This was a cause that I strongly believed in and many of you in turn believed in me. Thank you for your generosity and making my dream a reality.

19. NANA- I know she’ll be praying for me on November 18th. A woman of strength, spirit, and sense of humor. Thank you for being the matriarch of our crazy clan, holding strong at the age of 92.

20. POP POP - I never met my paternal grandfather who died of a heart attack when my dad was a sophomore at Villanova. His death rocked the family but his legacy lives on today.

21. THE HOBSONS- My big Irish Catholic family. Nana, 16 aunts & uncles, 34 cousins, and countless other in-laws and children. I love each and every one of you. 

22. GRAM DIANE- The woman who first introduced me to everything fabulous and NYC.

23. KATHERINE – My twin sister, 9 ½ years younger. I remember the day you were born and remain thankful that you were a girl, and not a boy like Pj hoped. You’re my best friend and I love you more than I will ever be able to express.  


24. PJ – My “big” little brother.  If you can survive the pressures of athletics and academics for 4 years at an Ivy League school, I think I can do this. Thank you for forgiving me for cutting your hair before kindergarten pictures and the endless years of older sibling torture. This one’s for you kiddo…  

25. MOM - A woman of pure strength. Thanks for taking my multiple phone calls a day including the one after NYCM’s cancellation. You’re the most supportive woman I know and an unbelieveable mother.

26. DAD- I never actually let you coach me on the field but you’ve been the best life coach that a child could ever ask for. I’m proud to be a “Daddy’s girl” as I follow in your footsteps and take on my first marathon. I guess the only difference is that I actually trained and registered for this one, unlike your Boston Marathon adventure with Uncle Jimmy. You’ve been my greatest supporter (including Mom) and not surprisingly you’re making the impromptu trip up to Philly for race day. Thanks for giving up your only free weekend this Fall to be on the sidelines for me, it wouldn’t be the same without you.  

.2 ME- I’m saving the best for last. With .2 left, I think I can take it from here…  

Later guys. I've got a MARATHON to run...

Let's do this...

Lots of love and laughs!


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